China Berry or Chinese Umbrella Tree
The China Berry, Chinese Umbrella Tree, or Pride of India (Melia Azederach, Linn.), is a relative of the mahogany. It came from China into European and American gardens long ago. It grows easily from seed, and rapidly becomes a most admirable shade tree.In April it bears a profusion of fragrant. lilac-coloured flowers, succeeded by yellowish berries. The leaves are bright and luxuriant, and remain so until late in the autumn, when they are gradually shed.
The variety umbraculiformis is the one most commonly planted. It is known as the Texas umbrella tree. The only fault I find with this tree is the shortness of its trunk and the density of its leaf thatch. It cuts off the life-giving breezes too often and too well.
The native Floridian's one-story house set low in the midst of his garden soon has its windows and doors choked by the "China trees" that were set too close to each other and to the house.